Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Standing Strong

It’s always been four ever since I came

4 C’s 4 S’s in all our names

I thank God for my sisters we are four of a kind

Laugh together, cry together and together we shine

Were like a strong tree full of branches but we all make up the root

And when one fall we all do won’t allow no substitutes

What an amazing God with humorous thoughts to put us all together

And who would have known we all are different but fully understands each other

As we grow older life becomes scary cause I know one day we have to part

And the thought of losing you even when I’m happy seems to break my heart

We’ve come so far, put up with a lot of challenges in our lives

But together we Made It what ever was needed we Gave It if there was a chance we’d Save It

Proud to say yall are my best friends, I’ll cherish forever more

Through our struggles, through our happiness with God we are Conquerors

Life is summing up and it’s time we fill our cups

with the things that God Love

After death is life and Jesus paid the price for us to meet again

God said if two or more are gathered in my name I am in the mist

And were breaking apart cause were not on one accord cause it’s always that and this

I pray for us and all of our family to receive God’s helping hand

alcohol became my enemy and is tearing us all by strands

none of us is perfect but God said were worth it

That is his son sacrificed

So as long as we believe and give God a chance I know he’ll better our life

I know we all are stressing and things aren’t the best

but remember it’s just a test

And never forget to love each other and God first

Remember my promise I’m here for better or worst

Let’s do what we can and allow God to do the rest

Causing being in the fabulous four is better than being the best (tears)

(I Love You Girls)


  1. Love this....God Made us a Family through thick and thin ...and when it is then .....we need to make it thick again....Make the tears laughter again....I spent our Christmas Celebration less two brother's ...one is in Heaven watching over us and the other was hurt by the third...and without our living one's together ...it was not a celebration...cherish what you got...we are only promised right now ....it can be gone in the blink of an eye ...God is Good ..God is Great

  2. As always, GREAT! Plus I needed to read/hear this message.
